CSV files are staple food in data analysis. The Azure PowerShell does not include a way to export Storage Tables that way but that can be achieved by mixing a bit of PowerShell with a bit of .NET, reusing code from chriseyre2000’s query-azuretable2.
First install the Azure PowerShell and open its command prompt. That loads all the Azure assemblies required in PowerShell.
Then add you account info
and add a function to convert Azure Table Entities into something a bit more PowerShell-friendly
function EntityToObject ($item)
$p = new-object PSObject
$p | Add-Member -Name ETag -TypeName string -Value $item.ETag -MemberType NoteProperty
$p | Add-Member -Name PartitionKey -TypeName string -Value $item.PartitionKey -MemberType NoteProperty
$p | Add-Member -Name RowKey -TypeName string -Value $item.RowKey -MemberType NoteProperty
$p | Add-Member -Name Timestamp -TypeName datetime -Value $item.Timestamp -MemberType NoteProperty
$item.Properties.Keys | foreach {
$type = $item.Properties[$_].PropertyType;
$value = $item.Properties[$_].PropertyAsObject;
Add-Member -InputObject $p -Name $_ -Value $value -TypeName $type -MemberType NoteProperty -Force
All that remains to do is connect to the Storage Table
$storageAccount = [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount]::Parse("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=YourAccoutName;AccountKey=YourAccountKey")
$table = $storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient().GetTableReference("YourTable")
$query = New-Object "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table.TableQuery"
$data = $table.ExecuteQuery($query)
and export the data
$data |
% { EntityToObject $_ } |
Select-Object PartitionKey,Property0,Property1 |
Export-Csv "data.csv" -NoTypeInformation